PhD students

109 records
Lastname Firstname Social University E‑Mail Theme of thesis Director of thesis Defence year
AKHTAR Nosheen UNIGE E‑Mail CO2 Sequestration in Swiss Molasse Basin Andrea.Moscariello 2027
BAYENS Mathilde UNIL E‑Mail Sediment connectivity in proglacial environments Prof. Stuart Lane
Dr. Micha Dietze
BERNAUER Elsa UNIL E‑Mail Isotopic dendrochronology Torsten Vennemann
BILOBE Jeanne Armelle UNIGE E‑Mail Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Mamfe sedimentary basin, Southwestern Cameroon Elias Samankassou october 2020
BOIVIN Simon UNIGE E‑Mail Evolutionary turnover of reefal and coral associations after the Triassic-Jurassic crisis highlighted via the study of the lowermost Jurassic reefs. Rossana Martini (Université de Genève)
Bernard Lathuilière (Université de Lorraine)
BOLLEN Michael UNIL E‑Mail Constraining past changes in remineralized carbon sequestration in Southern Ocean subsurface ocean water masses across the last glacial cycle Dr Samuel Jaccard (University of Lausanne)
Dr Marcus Gutjahr (University of Kiel)
BOUSCARY Chloé UNIL E‑Mail Quaternary evolution of Nepalese-Himalayan faults inferred from luminescence thermochronometry Dr. King Georgina 2022
BUREK Irena UNIFR E‑Mail Morphological evolution of Crocodylomorpha Prof. Walter G. Joyce
Dr. Jérémy Anquetin (Jurassica Museum)
BURGOA TANAKA Ana paula UNINE E‑Mail Fracture modeling with multiple point statistics Philippe Renard 2026
CACHE Tabea UNIL E‑Mail Assessing the impact of urban development and climate change on compound climatic events and floods in future cities Nadav Peleg 2026
CANNINGS Torin UNIGE E‑Mail RESILIENCE (UndeRstanding coral thErmal bleaching threSholds during past InterglacIaL extremes: Insight into thermal StrEsses DyNamics on tropical Coral reef Ecosystems) Elias Samankassou (Unige)
Silvia Spezzaferri (Unifr)
CARMALT Samuel UNIGE E‑Mail Understanding the limits of the "gas window" in the Marcellus tight-gas exploration play Andrea Moscariello
CASTRO CONTREIRAS DE CARVALHO Ignes Augusta UNIL E‑Mail Sustainable Business Models using the Industrial Ecology approach Suren Erkman 009/2019
CORTHÉSY Nora UNIL E‑Mail Experimental taphonomy: understanding the fossilization process of soft tissue Prof Allison C. Daley
Dr Farid Saleh
CRINIÈRE Aurélia UNIGE E‑Mail Reservoir Geology of Cretaceous-Cenozoic transition for geothermal purpose | Geneva Basin Prof. Andrea MOSCARIELLO 2023
DE MORAES CALDEIRA Jefter natan UNIL E‑Mail Multi-scale fracture network characterization and modeling (provisional) Dr. Anindita Samsu (Assistant Professor Tenure-Track)
DE SOUZA Guilherme UNIFR E‑Mail Macroevolutionary patterns of shape evolution in turtles
DEL HOYO GIBAJA Javier UNIL E‑Mail Origin and provenance of instream wood in fluvial ecosystems Prof. Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva
DEL PIERO Nicolo UNIGE E‑Mail Sedimentology, stratigraphy and high resolution geochemistry of the Upper Triassic carbonates from Stikinia and Wrangellia terranes, U.S.A. Prof. Rossana Martini
DÍAZ VECINO María Carolina UNIGE E‑Mail Field and experimental investigations on tephra transport and sedimentation from volcanic plumes Costanza Bonadonna 2026
DIELEMAN Catharina UNIBE E‑Mail Isochron-burial dating of Swiss Quaternary sediments Naki Akçar 2021
DO PRADO Ariel henrique UNIBE E‑Mail Grain size analysis on active streams Fritz Schlunegger
DUPEYRON Juliette UNIL E‑Mail Multi-isotope study of iron sulfide formation in anoxic environments, analogous to Archean oceans Johanna Marin-Carbonne
Vincent Busigny
DURET Madeline UNIFR E‑Mail Sedimentology - Reconstruction of the paleohydrological and paleoenvironnemental evolution of the nothern Afar using sedimentary facies in core sections and outcrops as paleo-archives. Anneleen Foubert 2028
EDWARD Oluwaseun UNIL E‑Mail Quantifying decamillenial changes in carbon cycling, climatic and biotic responses to Late Permian-Early Triassic volcanism Professor Torsten Vennemann 2023
EL HOSSNY Tamara UNIGE E‑Mail Evolutionary history of the tselfatiiforms - weird ray-finned fishes from the Creataceous - with a focus on Lebanese taxa Elias Samankassou
Lionel Cavin
ENDESHAW Addis UNIFR E‑Mail Palaeoecology of Pleistocene Corals (North Afar, Ethiopia) Prof. Anneleen Foubert
FARLEY Nicholas UNIGE E‑Mail Late Holocene climate variability in the South Pacific using Polynesian microatolls to produce the stable isotope climate signals. Elias Samankassou Janvier 2019
FATIHI Ayoub UNIL E‑Mail "Provisional": Fracture network characterisation and modelling Prof. Anindita Samsu 2028
FELDER Martin H. UNIBE E‑Mail Multiple interglacial sequences in a Darwin-type barrier-reef lagoon: Implications for paleoclimate, sea-level changes and subsidence since the Middle Pleistocene Prof Dr Flavio Anselmetti
Dr Hendrik Vogel
FERRANTE Christophe UNIGE E‑Mail Evolutionary pace in the coelacanth clade - New evidence from the Triassic of Switzerland. (Provisional title) Rossana Martini
Lionel Cavin
FÖRSTER Frank UNIGE E‑Mail Coral Biomineralogy around Volcanic Islands Prof. Dr. Thomas Sheldrake
Prof. Dr. Elias Samankassou
FUCELLI Andrea UNIGE E‑Mail Sedimentology, stratigraphy and high resolution geochemistry of the Upper Triassic carbonates from Hosselkus Limestone (California) and Luning Formation (Nevada). Prof. Rossana Martini
Sylvain Rigaud
FURLAN Matteo UNIBE E‑Mail 3D modeling of the Helvetic, Swiss Alps Prof. Marco Herwegh
Prof. Alfons Berger Prof. Fritz Schlunegger Dr. Ferdinando Musso Piantelli
GARIPOVA Sofia UNIBE E‑Mail Erosional mechanisms and source-to-sink sedimentary pathways in the Alpine Rhine Prof. Dr. Fritz Schlunegger
Prof. Dr. Peter Molnar
GEBRU Ermias Filfilu UNIFR E‑Mail Understanding the role of the Danakil Block (Danakil Alps) on the sedimentary record of the Danakil Depression Prof. Anneleen Foubert
GILLIARD Delphine UNIL E‑Mail Paleoceanography / geochemistry / Cr isotope Samuel Jaccard
GOMEZ Milton UNIL E‑Mail Earth Sciences - Tropical meteorology Tom Beucler 2025
GUIDICELLI Matteo UNIFR E‑Mail Improving solid precipitation and SWE estimates in high-mountain regions Nadine Salzmann
HAKIMI Marie UNIBE E‑Mail Environnemental geochimistry Anna Harisson 2027
HAMAEKERS Helen UNIFR E‑Mail Domaine: Microbial precipitation of Mg-carbonates Prof. Dr. Anneleen Foubert
Prof. Dr. Rudy Swennen (Belgique)
HARLET Déborah UNIBE E‑Mail Sedimentology - Storm Deposits Dr. Guilhem A. Douillet, Prof. Fritz Schlunegger 2024
HELD Frederick UNIBAS E‑Mail Speleothem-based paleoclimate reconstruction in Turkey
HOFMEISTER Elisa UNIBAS E‑Mail Determination of paleotemperatures in central Europe using water isotopes in speleothem fluid inclusions Prof. Dr. Dominik Fleitmann Dr. Stéphane Affolter
HOSMANN Siro Luca UNIBE E‑Mail Mutliple interglacial sequences in a Darwin-type barrier-reef lagoon: Implications for paleoclimate, sea-level changes and subsidence since the Middle Pleistocene Prof. Dr. Flavio Anselmetti 2028
INDI Ignatius De Loyola UNIBE E‑Mail Machine Learning in High-Resolution Orbital Spectrometry: Mapping Surface Minerals using CaSSIS to Complement CRISM and HiRISE in Valles Marineris, Mars Prof. Dr. Flavio Anselmetti
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Thomas
JAIMES GUTIERREZ Rocio del Pilar UNIGE E‑Mail Chemical weathering response to extreme global warming during Paleocene Eocene Hyperthermals, Southern Pyrenees, Spain Prof. Sébastien Castelltort
Prof. Emmanuelle Pucéat
JAMART Valentin UNIL E‑Mail Generating a highly resolved astronomical time scale for the evolutionary and ecological events during the Cambrian Explosion Allison C. Daley
JIWANI-BROWN Elliot UNIGE E‑Mail Monitoring the effects of seismic energy on the hydrothermal setting of the Irazu Turrialba Volcanic Complex Matteo Lupi - [email protected]
Thomas Planes - [email protected]
JULLIEN Nicolas UNIFR E‑Mail Accelerating mass loss of Greenland: breakpoints in the relationship between surface melt and runoff Horst Machguth
Andrew Tedstone
KARABEYOGLU Uygar UNIL E‑Mail Assesment of the role of acidification through the K-Pg and PETM. Professor Thierry Adatte 2024
KAYITESI MANISHIMWE Naomie UNIL E‑Mail Water Resources and Remote sensing Prof Grégoire Mariéthoz 2025
KIPFER Timon UNIBAS E‑Mail Fluid inclusion water isotope paleo-thermometry on stalagmites from central and western European caves Prof. Dr. Dominik Fleitmann
Dr. Stéphane Affolter
KLAHOLD Johanna UNIL E‑Mail Glacier Applied Geophysics James Irving
LAAKKONEN Aliisa UNIBE E‑Mail Climate-Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions: geobiology/biomineralization Prof. Dr. Hendrik Vogel
Prof. Dr. Anneleen Foubert
LI Baichan UNIBE E‑Mail DryCO2: Mineral weathering in a changing climate Prof. Anna Harrison
LUSTRI Lorenzo UNIL E‑Mail Synziphosurina of Fezouata
LYNCH Sinéad UNIL E‑Mail Arthropod moulting Allison Daley
MAILLET Marine UNIGE E‑Mail Pennsylvanian coral reefs in Southern China Elias Samankassou
MANGATA Laury UNIL E‑Mail Impact of climate change on the variability on the temperature proxies Eric VERRECCHIA
MARGUIN Valentin UNIGE E‑Mail Numerical investigation of the impact of fluids on the earthquake cycle Guy Simpson 2023
MARTIGNIER Agathe UNIGE E‑Mail Alkaline-earth metal precipitates in lacustrine environment: characterisation, spatio-temporal distribution and origin Daniel Ariztegui
Jean-Michel Jaquet
MATHYS Tamara UNIFR E‑Mail Permafrost distribution and ground ice contents in Central Asia Martin Hoelzle
Christian Hauck
MEFTAH Emna UNIGE E‑Mail exploration of the Geneva subsurface, stratigraphy , lithology and modeling Andrea Moscariello 2023
MISHRA Bhagyashree UNIGE E‑Mail Biogeochemistry Prof. Nina Zeyen
MONTILLIER Adrien UNIGE E‑Mail undeRstanding coral thErmal bleaching threSholds during past InterglaciaL extremes: Insight into thermal strEss dyNamics on tropical Coral reef Ecosystems (RESILIENCE) Elias Samankassou
Silvia Spezzaferri
MORADI Gelare UNIL E‑Mail Effect of the low momentum ratio on river confluences Stuart Lane (Unil)
Colin Rennie (uOttawa)
MORADI Hoda UNIBE E‑Mail Mobilization of aluminum under changing alpine climatic conditions PD. Dr. Christoph Wanner 2025
MUNOZ-BURBANO Francisco UNIGE E‑Mail The Domo San Pedro Geothermal Stimulation. Nayarit, Mexico Matteo Lupi
Marco Calo
N. SANTOS Ricardo UNIBAS E‑Mail Organic Geochemistry; Paleoclimate Sarah Nemiah Ladd 2027
NEGGA Haileyesus Alemu UNIFR E‑Mail Coral reef and Microbialites of the Dallol depression, Afar, Ethiopia. Anneleen Foubert
NEVEN Alexis UNINE E‑Mail Geophysic caractérization of sedimentary quaternary deposit in the Aar Valley Philippe Renard 2023
NGABA WAYE TAROUM Caleb UNINE E‑Mail "Dynamics of woody flora and its influence on the distribution of sub-Saharan antelopes in the Ouadi Rimé-Ouadi Achim Fauna Reserve" (Chad). ZEMP Clara, Professeure Assistant 2026
PALOS Zsofia UNIGE E‑Mail Controls on the oxidation potential of subducted slab-derived fluids Zoltan Zajacz 2025
PASTORE Claudio UNINE E‑Mail Thermokarst Benoit Valley
Pierre-Yves Jeannin, Marc Luetscher
POSCH Christoph UNIL E‑Mail Greenland Ice Sheet Dynamics Andrew Tedstone 2028
POTIN Gaëtan UNIL E‑Mail The evolution of Radiodonta (Arthropoda) Allison Daley 2026
PRIEUR Marine UNIGE E‑Mail Impact of extreme hydrological perturbation on sediment distribution from source to sink, PETM, Spain. Sébastien Castelltort
RAMUDZULI Edson UNIL E‑Mail Potential keys to evaluate climate-induced changes on hydrogeology and biogeochemistry in northern Botswana and Namibia Torsten Vennemann 2027
RIME Valentin UNIFR E‑Mail Basin analysis of the Danakil depression, Afar, Ethiopia Anneleen Foubert 2022
RUCHAT Arnaud UNIGE E‑Mail Investigation of Bajocian reef structure, Swiss Plateau Elias Samankassou
RUOLS Bastien UNIL E‑Mail Drone-based GPR system to assess glaciers' internal dynamism. James Irving 2024
SAÑOZA Wyndel UNIL E‑Mail Spatial and temporal dynamics of zooplankton in Lake Geneva Marie-Elodie Perga
Gregoire Mariethoz
SÁNTHA Kinga UNIL E‑Mail Microbial S cycling Jasmine Berg, Johanna Marin Carbonne 2027
SAUTER Gaétan UNIBE E‑Mail Small-scale delta failure: Causes, Processes, Frequency Prof. Katrina Kremer
Prof Flavio Anselmetti
SCHAEGIS Jean-Charles UNIFR E‑Mail Carbonate Sedimentology
SCHALLER Sebastian UNIBE E‑Mail ICDP Drilling Project 'Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys' Prof. Flavio Anselmetti
Prof. Fritz Schlunegger Dr. Marius Büchi
SCHLICHENMAIER Samuel UNIBE E‑Mail Biochar and soil quality
SCHMIDT Chantal UNIBE E‑Mail Quantification of sediment cascades in Alpine basins Prof. Fritz Schlunegger
Brian McArdell
SCHORPP Ludovic UNINE E‑Mail Automated geo-modelling of Quaternary Aquifers Philippe Renard
SCHUSTER Bennet UNIBE E‑Mail Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys (DOVE): The ICDP drill site 5068-1 in the Tannwald Basin. Prof. Flavio Anselmetti
Prof. Frank Preusser
SCHWENK Michael UNIBE E‑Mail Glaciation related stratigraphy within overdeepenings in the Aare Valley between Thun and Bern Prof. Fritz Schlunegger 2022
SECKE BEKONGA GOUOTT Boris UNIGE E‑Mail Unravelling the deep-water architecture evolution and hydrocarbon leakage in the Kribi-Campo Sub-basin, offshore Cameroon. Pr Elias Samankassou 2023
SEDAGHATKISH Amir UNINE E‑Mail Thermal response of cave and karst systems to climate change Prof. Pierre-Yves Jeannin
SERRA Elena UNIBE E‑Mail Alpine glacier fluctuations and paleoclimate reconstruction
SIEGFRIED Lila UNIL E‑Mail Phd in biogeosciences Pascal Vittoz
SORGATO Valeria UNIGE E‑Mail Visualizing energy models for a better comprehension and decision making
SUBEDI Shiba UNIL E‑Mail Seismology at school in Nepal education and crowdsourcing Prof Dr. György Hetényi
Dr. Anne Sauron, HES-SO, Sion
TOURNIER Nicolas UNIBE E‑Mail Paleoseismology of Sulawesi, Indonesia Prof. Dr. Hendrik Vogel
Prof. Dr. Flavio Anselmetti
VIMPERE Lucas UNIGE E‑Mail Multi-scale quantitative sedimentology of Upper Pleistocene coastal dunes from the Northern Bahamas and Western Australia.
VINCENT James UNIGE E‑Mail Geochemical disturbances recorded in coral skeletons from volcanic eruption in the Eastern Caribbean Assistant Professor Thomas Sheldrake 2026
WEIDLICH Reinhard UNIFR E‑Mail The formation of authigenic seep carbonates in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: from characterization to experimentation Prof. Anneleen Foubert 2023
WEN Xiaoxia UNIL E‑Mail Deciphering rock cooling histories in the European Alps using OSL and ESR thermochronometry Georgina King 2025
WERNER Philip UNIL E‑Mail Multi-scale constraints on biogeochemical S cycling to interpret Earth`s redox environment through time Jasmine Berg
Johanna Marin-Carbonne
WIERSMA Pau UNIL E‑Mail Geostatistics and remote sensing applied to hydrology Grégoire Mariéthoz
ZAKERI Fatemeh UNIL E‑Mail remote sensing Prof. Gregoire Mariethoz 2025
ZIMMERLI Géraldine UNIFR E‑Mail Facies characterization of the Opalinus Formation in Northern Switzerland: towards an integrative depositional model Prof. Dr. Anneleen Foubert 2025