
155 records
Lastname Firstname Social University E‑Mail Theme of thesis Director of thesis Defence year
ADAMS Arthur EPFL E‑Mail Dolomitization, diagenesis and lithofacies analysis of the Upper Muschelkalk in NE Switzerland: Emphasis on sedimentological controls on reservoir properties Prof. Larryn Diamond 12.10.2018
AFFOLTER Stéphane UNIBE E‑Mail Innovative isotope ratio measurements on fluid inclusions on speleothems Prof. Dr. Markus Leuenberger
AHRENSTEDT Viktor UNIGE E‑Mail High precision time-scale calibration using U/Pb dating of zircons. Urs Schaltegger
ALCANIE Marion UNIGE E‑Mail Integration of Geophysical and Geological Data into Basin-scale Groundwater Flow Modeling for the Investigation of Geothermal Resources Matteo Lupi 2023
ALIYEV Fuad UNIFR E‑Mail Tectonic and geodynamic conditions of the seismic zones of the Greater Caucasus area (within Azerbaijan borders). Prof. Jon Mosar
ALSALAH Dhafer UNIGE E‑Mail The quality of waterbodies and sediments receiving effluent across different climatic conditions. Dr. John Pote 2022
AMSLER Eri UNIBE - Reconstruction of the ACC dynamics during the past glacial cycle using a latitudinal transect of sediment cores from the SW Indian Ocean Samuel L. Jaccard
ASCARRUNZ Eduardo UNIFR E‑Mail The phylogeny of extant and past geoemydids (Testudines) Walter Joyce
BAKRI Abdalla UNIGE E‑Mail Saharan and Martian drainage networks Sebastien Castelltort 2020
BALDESSIN Erika UNIGE E‑Mail Origin of Upper Cenozoic dolomites from the Mayaguana Bank, SE Bahamas Prof. Pascal Kindler
BANDOU Dimitri UNIBE - Overdeepenings in the Bern region, Switzerland: Understanding their formation processes using 3D gravity forward modelling Prof. Fritz Schlunegger
Prof. Edi Kissling
BARRENECHEA ANGELES Ines UNIGE E‑Mail Environmental genomics applied to marine biodiversity (past and present). Prof. Daniel Ariztegui
Prof. Jan Pawlowski
BASTIDE Fanny UNIL E‑Mail Etude de l'organisation de la bordure urgonienne (Barrémien supérieur et Aptien inférieur) des bassins vocontien et bédoulien du Sud-Est de la France. Karl Foellmi
Thierry Dumont (Grenoble, France)
BÄTZ Nico UNIL - Understanding the fluvial critical zone: Linking ecology with fluvial-geomorphology Stuart Lane
BAUMANN TRAINE Valérie UNIGE E‑Mail Lahars hazard assessment related with the Cordon Caulle 2011 volcanic eruption, Chile Prof. Costanza Bonadonna
Dra Irène Manzella
BECCARI Valentina UNIFR E‑Mail Unconventional carbonate factories in the Eastern Mediterranean: cold water coral ecosystems and seeps Silvia Spezzaferri
Anneleen Foubert
BEKADDOUR Toufik UNIBE E‑Mail Chemical -weathering and physical- denudation in the Peruvian Andes Schlunegger Fritz, Prof. Dr.
Dr. Kein Norton
BENOIT Lionel UNIL - Mesure et caractérisation de la pluie à fine résolution temporelle et spatiale Grégoire Mariéthoz - Institut IDYST - Faculté de Géosciences et de l'Environnement - Université de Lausanne 2020
BENVENUTI Antonio UNIGE E‑Mail Sedimentology and architecture of tunnel glacial valleys. Examples from Ordovician and Pleistocene glaciations in North Africa and NW Europe. Andrea Moscariello
BINDSCHEDLER Saskia UNIL - Relationships between fungal filaments and the production of needle fibre calcite and associated features in natural environments Eric Verrecchia
Daniel Job
BLOUET Jean-Philippe UNIFR E‑Mail geologie; sédimentologie Anneleen Foubert
BÔLE Maximilien UNIL E‑Mail The Mesozoic oceanic silica cycle - insights from silicon and oxygen isotopes of radiolarian silica measured in situ by SIMS (secondary ion mass spectrometry) in radiolarites. Peter O. Baumgartner 2018
BOMOU Brahimsamba UNIL E‑Mail Phosphorus and Carbon burial during Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events, links with climatic changes Thierry ADATTE
BONVALLET Lucie UNIL E‑Mail Sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology and geochemistry of the Urgonian Formation (Late Barremian to Early Aptian) in the Helvetic Alps Karl Föllmi
BOREL Christophe UNIL - Biodynamic and effects modelling of hydrophobic compounds on sediment dwelling and freshwater organisms Dr Nathalie Chèvre - UNIL
Dr Benoît Jean Dominique Ferrari - Centre Ecotox - EPFL
BRENTINI Maud UNIGE E‑Mail Subsurface stratigraphy and architecture of the Geneva Basin Prof. Andrea Moscariello
BUECHI Marius UNIBE E‑Mail Stratigraphy of Pleistocene sediments in glacially overdeepened valleys of the northern Alpine foreland. Prof. Flavio Anselmetti
CAPELLI Ignacio UNIL E‑Mail Clay mineral analysis of the Vaca Muerta-Quintuco system (Tithonian-Valanginian) of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina Karl Föllmi
Thierry Adatte
CARDOT Romain UNIL E‑Mail Dynamique des sédiments au niveau des confluences. Secteurs à définir sur le Rhône, de sa source aux Léman. Stuart Lane
CARRARO Davide UNIGE E‑Mail Architectural and Compositional Analysis of a Large Fluvial-Fan Succession: a Multidisciplinary Case Study from the Paleocene-Eocene Colton Formation, Uinta Basin, Central Utah Andrea Moscariello
Darion Ventra
CHABLAIS Jérôme UNIGE E‑Mail Sedimentology and biostratigraphy of the Upper Triassic atoll-type carbonates of the Sambosan Accretionary Complex (Panthalassan Domain; Japan): Depositional setting, Paleobiogeography and Relationship to their counterparts in the Tethys Dr. Rossana Martini
CHEN Chen UNIGE E‑Mail Sedimentology/PETM/Geology Pr. Sébastien Castelltort Department of Earth Sciences University of Geneva, Switzerland
CHERNET Samuel getachew UNIFR - The Gohatsion Formation: a new insight into Sedimentary evolution of the Blue Nile Basin during Middle Jurassic Anneleen Foubert Professor in Carbonate Sedimentology Department of Geosciences – Geology University of Fribourg Chemin du Musée 6 CH - 1700 Fribourg Switzerland
CHESNEL Valentin UNIGE E‑Mail Geometry and stratal patterns of the Carboniferous Valdorria carbonate platform, Cantabrian Mountains, Northern Spain Elias Samankassou
Oscar Merino-Tomé Luis Pedro Fernández
CLAUDE Anne UNIBE E‑Mail Dating of Swiss Deckenschotter using terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides PD Dr. Naki Akçar
CONSTANDACHE Monica UNIFR E‑Mail Evolutionry pattern in planktonic foraminifera based on the variations in their wall textures. D. S. Spezzaferri
COTTE Gabriel UNIL E‑Mail Isotope hydrology : study of Lake Geneva's dynamic using stable isotopic composition Torsten Vennemann
DE CARVALHO GARBIN Rafaella UNIFR E‑Mail Evolution of the shell of geoemydid turtles Walter G. Joyce
DECRAENE Marie-Noëlle UNIL - Biological vs diagenetic controls in microbialites from spatially resolved isotopes in pyrite Johanna Marin Carbonne 2022
DEMBÉLÉ Moctar UNIL E‑Mail Spatially Explicit Hydrological Modelling for Water Accounting under Climate Change in the Volta River Basin in West Africa Prof. Bettina Schaefli
Prof. Grégoire Mariéthoz
DIAZ Nathalie UNIL E‑Mail The origin of the enigmatic Tropical Carbonate Mounds (TCM) along the Sahelo-Soudanian belt (North Cameroon). Prof. Eric Verrecchia 2017
DIETRICH Fabienne UNIL E‑Mail Enigmatic tropical carbonate mounds : Their origin and the calcium biogeochimical cycle Pr. Eric Verrecchia 2017
DIOT Xavier UNIBE - Origin of the banded terrain in the NW of Hellas Basin, Mars Pr Schlunegger
DRAGE Harriet UNIL - The evolution of exoskeleton moulting in Trilobita Professor Allison Daley
Dr Gregory Edgecombe, Dr Sebastian Shimeld, Professor Paul Smith
EL KATEB Akram UNIFR E‑Mail Benthic foraminiferal biomonitoring: a low cost tool to evaluate anthropogenic impact: a case study in the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia). Dr Silvia Spezzaferri
EYMARD Ines UNIGE E‑Mail Approche In Situ et experimentale des Stromatolites du lac Cari Laufquen en Patagonie Daniel Ariztegui 2020
FABBRI Stefano UNIBE E‑Mail Potential neotectonic fault planes in Lake Thun using geomorphologic and subsurface data from bathymetry and refl. seismic measurements Prof. Flavio Anselmetti
Prof. Marco Herwegh, Prof. Fritz Schlunegger
FAU Marine UNIFR E‑Mail Comparative anatomy and phylogeny of post Paleozoic Asteroidea (Echinodermata) Pr. Walter Joyce
FEENSTRA Eline UNIFR E‑Mail Understanding the temporal and spatial variability of early diagenesis in carbonate mounds: in vitro experiments Prof. Anneleen Foubert
FENTIMEN ROBIN UNIFR E‑Mail Micropaleontology Title of the PhD project : "Faunal assemblages from active, declining and buried cold-water coral assemblages" Silvia Spezzaferri
FISCHER Gyöngyvér, Jennifer UNIGE E‑Mail Géologie de la subsurface de Mayaguana (SE Bahamas). Pascal Kindler
GAREFALAKIS Philippos UNIBE E‑Mail Quantifying Sediment Dynamics and Grain Size Characteristics in the Swiss Molasse and Quaternary Deposits Prof. Dr. Fritz Schlunegger, University of Bern
Dr. Alex Whittaker, Imperial College London Prof. Dr. Jörg Hermann, University of Bern
GEGG Lukas UNIBE E‑Mail The Mid-Pleistocene landscape history of the Lower Aare Valley with emphasis on subglacial overdeepening Marius Buechi & Flavio Anselmetti 2021
GIACCONE Elisa UNIL - The influence of geomorphological parameters on vegetation in the Alpine periglacial environment Christophe Lambiel
Grégoire Mariéthoz
GIMENEZ Andres UNIL - Palaeofertility of the Mesozoic Tethys-Protocaribbean Seaway based on characteristic models from marginal seas Peter Baumgartner
GODEFROID Fabienne UNIGE E‑Mail Sedimentology and architecture of small carbonate platforms in the SE Bahamas (Mayaguana and Great Inagua), and implications for Late-Cenozoic climatic and sea-level history Pascal Kindler
GRAVEY Mathieu UNIL - Extracting new information from old satellite imagery by using n->m colorization Gregoire Mariethoz 2020
GRETZ Mélanie UNIGE E‑Mail Environmental, climatic and biotic changes across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary: causes and effects highlighted via the coral reef associations (TJCORA) Dr Rossana Martini
Prof. Bernard Lathuilière (Université de Nancy, France)
GUEDES MAGRANI Fabio Jose UNIBE E‑Mail Spatial patterns of glacial erosion in the Alpine foreland Pierre Valla
Flavio Anselmetti
GUNATILAKE Thanushika UNINE - Modelling fluid-triggered Aftershocks Prof. Dr. Stephen Miller 2022
HAAS Maximilian Mathias UNIGE E‑Mail Geophysical, geotechnical and mineralogical classification of a potential re-use for the molasse material in the Geneva basin Prof. Andrea Moscariello 2022
HADDAD Antoine UNIGE E‑Mail Fluid Migration in active tectonive environments. Greece. Matteo Lupi Janvier 2019
HADJIPETROU Stylianos UNIL E‑Mail Geostatistical downscaling of offshore coarse spatial resolution wind speed data using satellite-derived wind information Gregoire Mariethoz
HÄUSELMANN Anamaria Diana UNIBE E‑Mail Late Quaternary and Holocene paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental reconstruction - a multi-proxy approach on Swiss speleothems SNF Prof. Dominik Fleitmann
Prof. Markus Leuenberger
HAYMAN Stephanie UNIFR E‑Mail Foraminifera and carbonates as archives of sea level changes. Dr Silvia Spezzaferri
Prof. DIck Kroon
HEERWAGEN Eric UNIGE E‑Mail Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Upper Triassic shallow water carbonates from Sonora and the Vizcaíno terrane, Mexico Prof. Rossana Martini
HIARD Florent UNIFR E‑Mail Revision des Artiodactyles Européens de l'Eocène, Biostratigraphie, Taxonomie, Paleoecologie Pr. Walter Joyce
Dr. Damien Becker
HONEGGER Louis UNIGE E‑Mail Climatic and δ13C signal in the marine and continental deposits of the early Eocene Pyrenean foreland basin, Spain Sébastien Castelltort
HOSSEINI Seyedabolfazl UNIGE E‑Mail Berriasian-Barremian high resolution biochronostratigraphy and sequential interpretation in the Zagros fold-belt, Sw Iran. Implication for petroleum aspects. Pascal Kindler
HOSTETTLER Bernhard UNIBE E‑Mail Stratigraphie und fazielle Entwicklung des späten Doggers und frühen Malms im Zentralen Jura Karl Ramseyer
Hansruedi Bläsi
HUG Wolfgang E‑Mail
HUNGER Gabriel UNIGE E‑Mail The Miocene Mariño Formation (central Argentinian foreland, Mendoza Region): a high-resolution study of sedimentary and palaeoenvironmental responses to tectonic and climatic forcing Andrea Moscariello
IMBODEN Josephine UNIL E‑Mail Plant-root driven destabilization of mineral-organic associations
IRARRAZAVAL BUSTOS Inigo UNIL - Subglacial drainage modelling using multiple point geostatistics Gregoire Mariethoz 2022
JARAMILLO VOGEL David UNIFR E‑Mail Shallow-marine sedimentary records of the Eocene-Oligocene greenhouse-icehouse transition (Italy, Switzerland, France) André Strasser
KREMER Katrina UNIGE E‑Mail Quantifying human impact and recent climate change using clastic sediments from lacustrine records in Western Switzerland Stéphanie Girardclos
Walter Wildi
KRONENBERG Marlene UNIFR E‑Mail Changing Glacier Firn in Central Asia and its Impact on Glacier Mass Balance Horst Machguth and Martin Hoelzle 2022
LAUPER Bruno UNIFR E‑Mail Transition from Upper Opalinus Clay to Passwang Formation, northern Switzerland Prof. Anneleen Foubert
Dr. David Jaeggi (swisstopo), Dr. Gaudenz Deplazes (Nagra)
LE COTONNEC Aymeric UNIGE E‑Mail Genesis and architecture of incised-valley fills reservoirs: analogues from the Late Carboniferous, Central Appalachian Basin, Eastern Kentucky Andrea Moscariello 2018
LEHMANN Anaël UNIL E‑Mail Paleoecological indicators in lake sediments based on a multidisciplinary approach of endospore-forming Firmicutes and the chemical and isotopic composition of sediments and organic matter Torsten Vennemann 2021
LEILA Mahmoud UNIGE E‑Mail Sedimentology, organic geochemistry and reservoir characterization of the Upper Miocene sediments onshore Nile Delta, Egypt. Andrea Moscariello 2018
LITTY Camille UNIBE E‑Mail geology, geomorphology quantification of erosional mechanisms on the western side of the Peruvian Andes Fritz Schlunegger Bern university
LORENZO Valentin UNIL - Integrated bio/geo-chronology and paleo-environments of Paleogene short-lived carbonate shoals (SLSC) on active margins of the Caribbean Plate - relations with tectonic and volcanic processes Claudia Baumgartner
Allison Daley
MADELLA Andrea UNIBE E‑Mail Reconstruction of the recent erosional history of the Western Andean Escarpment in the region of Arica, northern Chile. Prof. Fritz Schlunegger
MAIR David UNIBE E‑Mail Landscape evolution of the Eiger mountain range by radiomoun tomography, cosmogenic nuclide dating and structural analysis Fritz Schlunegger 2019
MAKRI Stamatina UNIBE E‑Mail Hyperspectral imaging of varved lake sediments: VNIR applications on Holocene/Late-Glacial time scales (Switzerland and Poland) Prof. Dr. Martin Grosjean
MARCHEGIANO Marta UNIGE E‑Mail The paleoenvironmental record of Lake Trasimeno (central Italy) since the early Pleistocene Daniel Ariztegui
MARTIGNIER Loraine UNIL E‑Mail Soil study in the Swiss Jura Mountains: the origin and future of the fine mineral fraction Prof. E. Verrecchia
MENNECART Bastien UNIFR E‑Mail The Ruminantia and Cainotheriidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from Oligocene to Early Miocene of Switzerland, reassessment and new data on their phylogeny, palaeoecology and palaeoenvironment. BERGER Jean-Pierre
MICHELETTI Natan UNIL - Prof. S.N. Lane
MILLIÈRE Laure UNIL E‑Mail Needle Fibre Calcite (NFC): biogenic or physico-chemical in origin. Biogeochemical approach. Eric P. Verrecchia
MORALES Chloé UNIL E‑Mail The early Valanginian and the Barremian-Aptian boundary time intervals Karl Fölmi
MOZAFARI AMIRI Nasim UNIBE E‑Mail Using cosmogenic 36Cl to determine periods of enhanced seismicity in western Anatolia, Turkey PD Dr. Naki Akçar
MUÑOZ URIBE Paula Andrea UNIGE E‑Mail Palynologie et géochimie de haute resolution dans le NW de la Colombie:indicateurs climatiques pour les tropiques Georges GORIN
NDIAYE Matar UNIGE E‑Mail Sismostratigraphie du Bassin sédimentaire Sénégalo-Mauritanien Pr. Georges Gorin
Pr. Papa Malick Ngom (UNiversité Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
NGUYEN Liliane UNIGE E‑Mail Forecast of heavy precipitations Jérôme KASPARIAN
Stéphane GOYETTE
NORMAND Raphaël UNIGE E‑Mail Geomorphological and sedimentological signals of deformation in a silent subduction zone: An investigation in the Makran (Iran) Dr Guy Simpson
OLIVEIRA Camila UNIGE - Upwelling influence in the evolution of the siliciclastic-carbonate sedimentation of hypersaline lagoonal systems in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. Daniel Ariztegui 2020
ORDOÑEZ Luis UNIGE E‑Mail Geochemical cycles in Lake Towuti, Indonesia and the dominant factors ruling Fe isotopes fractionation. Prof. Daniel Ariztegui 2020
OSPINA OSTIOS Lina María UNIGE E‑Mail Geology of the Voirons Massif, Gurnigel Nappe (Haute-Savoie, France) Pascal Kindler
PAPPALARDO Gioele UNIGE E‑Mail undeRstanding coral thErmal bleaching threSholds during past InterglaciaL extremes: Insight into thermal stressEs dyNamics on tropical Coral reef Ecosystems (RESILIENCE) Elias Samankassou
Silvia Spezzaferri
PATES Stephen UNIL - Predation in the Cambrian Prof. Allison Daley
Prof. Peter Holland
PATRA Soumita UNIBE - Tracking the pace of Middle Pleistocene Revolution in the southern Alpine Foreland Naki Akçar Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern, Baltzerstrasse 1-3, 3012, Bern, Switzerland
Susan Ivy-Ochs Labortory of Ion Beam Physics (LIP),ETH Zurich, Schafmattstrasse 20, 8093, Zurich, Switzerland
PÉREZ PERIS Francesc UNIL E‑Mail Trilobites from the Lower Ordovician from the Fezouata locality Allison Daley 2023
PEYBERNES Camille UNIGE E‑Mail The Upper Triassic atoll-type carbonates of Japan : Sedimentology and high resolution biostratigraphy Dr. Rossana Martini
PICTET Antoine UNIL E‑Mail Étude des Couches supérieures à orbitolines / Marnes à Exogyra aquila sur la marge Nord-Ouest de la Téthys, sur les plate-formes provençale, vivaroise, dauphiné, jurasienne, et helvétique, à l’Aptien inférieur : Sédimentologie, stratigraphie, géochimie, et biochronologie. Karl Föllmi
PIETSCH Johannes --- E‑Mail Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Middle and Upper Muschelkalk in Northern Switzerland Prof. Dr. Andreas Wetzel 2023
PINARD Gladys UNIL E‑Mail Suivi de la matière organique à travers les processus de décomposition, humification, complexation et minéralisation dans une toposéquence de sols du Jura Eric Verrecchia
PIROUZ Mortaza UNIGE E‑Mail Influence of wedge-rheology on the development of foreland basin systems - insights from the Zagros Orogen Guy Simpson
PRETET Chloé UNIGE E‑Mail Climate reconstruction using 44/40Ca isotopes in annually banded reef corals. SAMANKASSOU ELIAS
QUESADA ROMÁN Adolfo UNIGE E‑Mail Deciphering natural hazard histories based on tree-ring analyses in contrasting tropical ecosystems of Costa Rica Markus Stoffel
Juan Antonio Ballesteros Cánovas
RAGUSA Jérémy UNIGE E‑Mail Étude pétrographique et minéralogique des Voirons Pascal Kindler
RANDEVOSON Finaritra UNIL - Impacts de la Voie Oxalate-Carbonate sur les caractéristiques édapliiques et organiques des sols forestiers tropicaux (Forêt de Kirindy, Madagascar) Professeur Eric Verrecchia
Professeur Gabrielle Rajoelison ( Université d'Antananarivo, Madagascar)
RASERA Luiz Gustavo UNIL E‑Mail Fusing multiple sources of remote sensing data using textural information: high-resolution, high-frequency monitoring in alpine environments Prof. Grégoire Mariéthoz Prof. Stuart Lane 2020
REBER Regina UNIBE E‑Mail Late Quaternary Glaciations in Eastern Anatolia: Moraine records in Kaçkar Mountain Valleys (First mapping and cosmogenic nuclide dating) with a methodological example from central Switzerland Prof. Christian Schlüchter
PD Dr. Naki Akçar
RECASENS Cristina UNIGE E‑Mail Diatoms as indicators of hydrologic and climatic changes in Laguna Potrok Aike, Patagonia Daniel Ariztegui
Nora I. Maidana (Univ. Buenos Aires, Argentina) PASADO Science Team
RICCHI Emmanuelle UNIGE E‑Mail Age and crystallization duration of Alpine cleft monazite and correlation with tectonically-driven hydrothermal dissolution/precipitation events. Edwin Gnos
Urs Schaltegger
RIGAUD Sylvain UNIGE E‑Mail La formation de Martin Bridge du Trias Supérieur (Carnien-Norien, Wallowa Terrane, Oregon): implications sédimentologiques, biostratigraphiques et paléo-bio-géographiques Rossana MARTINI
RIGOUSSEN Dimitri UNIL E‑Mail Petrography and biogeochemistry of Quaternary carbonate deposits observed in the Chobe Enclave Botswana Eric Verrecchia
ROWLEY Mike UNIL - Investigating calcium mediated accumulation of soil organic carbon at the Nant Valley alpage, Vaud Alps, Switzerland Eric Verrecchia
Stéphanie Grand
RUDAZ Benjamin UNIL - Dynamique sédimentaire torrentielle alpine, de l'érosion de chaîne par mouvement gravitaire à l'aléa local lié aux transferts de masse par les cours d'eau à régime torrentiels. Professeur Michel Jaboyedoff
RUSILLON Elme UNIGE E‑Mail Rock typing of Deep Geothermal Reservoirs in the Greater Geneva Basin Pr Andrea Moscariello
SALEH Hassan Mohamed Ahmed Khozyem UNIL E‑Mail Sedimentology, geochemistry and mineralogy of the Paleogene sediments from Egypt (including the Cretaceous-Tertiary and Paleocene-Eocene boundaries) Thierry Adatte
SANDOVAL Maria I UNIL E‑Mail Late Mezosoic and Neogene biostratigraphy and palaeoceanography in the Caribbean and East Pacific regions. Peter Baumgartner 2015
SAVI Sara UNIBE E‑Mail Spatial, frequency and magnitude distribution variability of debris flow processes in the Alps:relationships with various boundary conditions Schlunegger Fritz, Prof. Dr.
Dr. Vincenzo Picotti
SCHEIDT SCHMITT Nicole Cristina UNIFR E‑Mail Fault anatomy, porosity and pore connectivity: the La Sarraz Fault system Prof. Jon Mosar (UNIFR) [email protected]
Prof Benoît Valley (UNINE) benoî[email protected] Prof. Stephen Miller (UNINE) [email protected]
SCHERLER Laureline UNIFR E‑Mail Terrestrial palaeoecosystems of large mammals (Tapiridae, Anthracotheriidae, Suoidea) of the Swiss Molasse Basin from the Early Oligocene to the Early Miocene: biostratigraphy, palaeoecology, palaeogeography, biogeochemistry Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Berger
Dr. Damien Becker
SCHNEEBERGER Raphael UNIBE E‑Mail 3D structural Geology
SCHOELLHORN Iris UNIL E‑Mail Etude sédimologique et géochimique du Rhaetien jusau'au Pliensbachien (paléoclimats, paléoenvironnmenets et phosphatogenèse) Karl Föllmi
SEGOVIA CAMPOS Inés UNIGE E‑Mail Investigating the potential of intracellular mineral inclusions (micropearls) in microorganisms as a novel bioremediation method. Daniel Ariztegui
Montserrat Filella Karl Perron
2022 (
SHARMA Nikhil UNIGE E‑Mail Paleohydraulic Reconstructions, Geochemical Signals and Intermittency Estimates from the Middle Eocene Escanilla Formation, Spain. Prof. Sebastien Castelltort
Prof. Thierry Adatte
SILVA LUZ Zoneibe Augusto UNIL - Characterizing conodont biominerals from the Early-Triassic: an analytical and paleoclimatological approach Torsten Vennemann 2022
SLOOTMAN Arnoud UNIGE E‑Mail Sedimentology, architecture and reservoir properties of the Pleistocene biocalcarenite complex of Favignana, Egadi Islands, Italy. Prof. Andrea Moscariello
Prof. Poppe de Boer (Université de Utrecht, NL), Prof. Fabrizio Pepe (Université de Palerme)
SOMMER Philipp s. UNIL - Numerical tools and software solutions for palaeoclimate analysis Basil A. S. Davis 2019
SORG Annina UNIBE E‑Mail Impact of changing climate on glacier retreat, runoff and rock glacier activity in the Tien Shan mountains (Kyrgyzstan / Kazakhstan). Prof. Martin Beniston
Dr. Markus Stoffel
STALDER Nadja UNIL E‑Mail Interaction between climate, tectonic, and erosion 2020
STEIN Melody UNIL E‑Mail The Barremian-Aptian boundary: Episodes of important change in the evolution of the early Cretaceous northern Tethyan carbonate platform Karl Föllmi
STOCKAR Rudolf UNIL E‑Mail Evolution of a Ladinian (Middle Triassic) intraplatform basin: Stratigraphy, microfacies and palaeoecology of the Meride Limestone (Monte San Giorgio, Canton Ticino, Southern Switzerland) Prof. Peter O. Baumgartner 2012
STUTENBECKER Laura UNIBE E‑Mail Spatial and temporal variability of sediment sources in the Rhône catchment Prof. Fritz Schlunegger
THOMAS Camille UNIGE E‑Mail Investigating the subsurface biosphere of the Dead Sea D. Ariztegui 2015
TRAUERSTEIN Mareike UNIBE E‑Mail OSL dating of Quaternary terrace systems in the western peruvian Andes Schlunegger Fritz, Prof. Dr.
Dr.Frank Preusser
VÉRARD Christian UNIL E‑Mail ---
VERÓNICA SOFIA Ferreira Antunes UNIGE E‑Mail Seismic activity in the Great Geneva Basin 2021
VON TSCHARNER Marina UNIL - 3D numerical modelling of fold nappe formation in the western Swiss Alps Prof. Stefan Schmalholz
VUILLEMIN Aurèle UNIGE E‑Mail Deep Lacustrine Biosphere: linking the formation of minerals with microbial activity in Lake Potrok-Aike, Patagonia. Daniel Ariztegui
PASADO Scientific Team
WALDVOGEL Marius UNIBE - Waterproofing membranes with enhanced mechanical properties Prof. Dr. Marco Herwegh
WEBER Philippe UNIL E‑Mail Geochemistry of Caribbean sedimentary rocks and Jurassic circum equatorial seaway Prof. Peter Baumgartner
WIDMANN Philipp UNIGE E‑Mail High precision dating of environmental responses during smithian-spatian biotic crisis Prof. Urs Schaltegger
YAO Franck Zokou UNIL E‑Mail evaluation du bilan ressources-demandes en eau pour une adaptation aux changements climatiques et anthropiques en zone soudano sahelienne d'Afrique de l'ouest: cas du bassin versant du Bandama blanc au nord de la Côte d'Ivoire Prof Issiaka SAVANE
Prof Emmanuel REYNARD
ZIA Haseeb UNIGE E‑Mail Numerical modeling and simulation for sediment routing systems Prof. Guy Simpson